From pacifier to cosmetics, from the cereal packaging to bubblegum campaign – we design everything that belongs to the lifeworld of babies, children and teenagers.
We deliver visions, sophisticated concepts or production-ready products – just as you wish. Always in focus: Innovation, creativity and enjoyment at work for our customers.
We develop assetts and materials with which you or your inhouse agency can work. Templates, design guides, brand books, cloud libraries – thats our business. We see ourselves as a partner for creativity – we guide you on new paths or get to the heart of topics – Talk to us.
The designstudio was founded in 2002 and works from the heart of germany for well-known customers throughout europe. Our versatile portfolio across all creative disciplines is reflected in our agency name: crosscreative.
Children and adolescents are special target groups and need a special address. We meet them with great respect, open sympathy and deep understanding. And we know the function of the respective markets as well as with the legal security regulations.
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designstudio for young target groups
Paulusstrasse 36
45657 Recklinghausen | Germany
t +49(0) 2361 / 94 33 7 – 55
crosscreative @ Google Maps
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